Monday, March 28, 2011

I've gotta tell you.....I may not have a clue about thie blogging thing (or maybe I do), but here I go.

No, seriously (okay, I don't like the font already...there, that's better), I've been swept up in the blogosphere for awhile, reading and looking at other people's posts and thinking, "I can do that".  And let's face it, I have plenty to say.  But will I say things that people want to read????  I guess that's the old inferiority complex coming through, always seeking some kind of validation from without (now....virtually) in a world where I should just validate myself and be done with the matter.

Beyond saying things people may (or not) want to read, there's the whole self-promotion thing.  How do people see this?  How do I get "followers" and is that yet another validation ploy.  Geez, so many questions.  I guess I'll just throw stuff on the wall and see if any of it sticks, being sure all the while to see if any of the stuff sliding down the wall is worth cleaning up.

On occasion, I have published a FaceBook status that goes like this:  "I'm thinking it's time for a rant.  Subjects, please".  Going out to my FaceBook community, I always got suggestions back and tried to incorporate them into the limited amount of space that I was allowed.  Here I guess there will be more space, so I can give matters more room to breathe.  We shall see.

I think my last rant list included Sarah Palin, bicyclists who blow through stop signs, healthcare vs. Obamacare, bullying societies, anti-abortion wackos, and overprotective parents.  It also included a request to NOT RANT.  There was so much I could have done, but I chose to mention all and then exercise my right to bitch about how very much I hate cling wrap.  You can see that I need more space, and I won't comment on everything, but I'll now expound on some of the requested rants......

Sarah Palin - I gave her up for February (short month) and found it blissfully easy to continue in March.  I also find that she is doing a dandy (that would be her word) job of undoing herself, so why should I waste bits and bytes.  It's more fun to watch from the sidelines and snigger (probably her word, too).

Bicyclists who blow through stop signs - Well, I call that "stupid in a hurry".  You can call it brazen, but deep down it its core, it's still stupid.  I will be the first to tell you that I'm one of those spandex-clad road-bicyclists, and I understand how it is to vie with large four-wheeled behemoths for the same piece of pavement and what a great disadvantage I am at in that little showdown.  I also understand how difficult it is to "unclip" from my pedals at a traffic signal.  But I do it, because despite how messed up our world can be at times, I still want to live to ride another day.  A few years ago, I wrote an editorial for my town paper about bicyclists and why they do some of those crazy things that just piss motorists off.  Believe it or not, some of those things we do, we do for visibility....cuz when you're pissed, I'm suddenly visible.  So maybe I'll make that the subject of a subsequent post......if this blog thingy really catches on.

Healthcare vs. Obamacare - I think I'll let that one ride for now.  With our countries current bipartisan impasse, I doubt that there'll be much to debate.

Anti-abortion Wackos - Why limit it to just the anti-abortion wackos???  Why not rant about all wackos???  I'll save this one, but I will say that being a middle-aged gay man, abortion has never been one of those issues that took a close scrape with my life.  Yet is goes into that odd bucket of human rights (with gay rights of all kinds, religious rights of all kinds, women's rights of all kinds, and a whole plethora of rights of all kinds) that is somehow supposed to parallel whatever rights it is that I seek.  And the granting or denial of human rights is the struggle here.  Thing is, abortion covers the rights of two people - the unborn child and the woman that is carrying the unborn child.  A set of consequences got that woman knocked up and that's where everybody gets disconnected.  So I'll just say this.....from the bottom of my heart (and given my distance from the matter), it would not be my choice to have an abortion.  I can expound on that later if there's an interest.

Overprotective Parents, Bullying Societies - I think I'll wait on those until there's some big public matter that catapults me into introspective thought.

And as for cling wrap......well, it seriously pisses me off and disappoints me.  I hate it.  I friggin' hate it.

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